Video: Elisa Klein Portrait of our Local Leaders
I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with my friend, Elisa Klein, about the upcoming local elections in Collin County (specifically in Plano). If you don’t know Elisa personally I invite you to watch even just a few minutes of this FUN conversation between us.
We talk about how Elisa went from volunteer & mom on the PTA to running for Plano City Council. We also talk about the upcoming City of Plano BOND Package, mask mandates, raising kiddos with ADHD, and … of course, y’all know I had to bring up my favorite subject (Plano backyard chickens)!
One of the reasons I started this interview series (last time I interviewed Kayci Prince) was because I wanted to chat with women like Elisa, like Kayci, who have so much in common with my typical clients: We are all LEADERS. We are sisters/moms/wives/daughters. We are determined. We are coming from a place of LOVE for our family and our neighbors.
I hope that when you watch, you will feel (as I do) encouraged to LEAD in your community. Whether that is through the groups you join (like the Plano Moms group on Facebook which we talked about on this interview) or advocacy groups like the Lake Highlands Area Moms Against Racism, or whether your leadership is in your work or small business. Maybe your leadership is though membership in the local or state PTA. Or maybe at this time your leadership is via example to the young people around you who are watching what you do and how you speak during these politically loaded times.
Elisa Klein is my friend and my choice for Plano City Council because I know that in addition to her education and experience, she will lead with compassion and a heart for inclusivity for ALL of the beautifully diverse Collin County families.
I hope you enjoy the interview. I would love to hear your thoughts. Lead on!