Photoshoots for Leaders
We are capable of so much more than they give us credit for
I worked hard to be the best at what I do but when I was a beginner, so many teachers, family, and friends told me I just couldn’t do it. I want to believe most of them meant well but I BELIEVED them when they said “be realistic” and “you’re not smart enough” and even “your goal is too high and we will not support you”. Those words held me back and so I put off my dream career and my dream life for YEARS because I believed people who I respected when they said it could not be done. I lowered the goals and abandoned the project.
I wish somebody had told me THEN what I know NOW: that they were the ones that couldn’t do it so they were projecting their insecurities and lack of creativity unto me.
I am resourceful. I am intelligent. I am powerful. I took a DREAM and turned it into a DREAM LIFE.
If you are in a similar spot now, allow me to tell you what I wish someone had told me: Only YOU know what you are capable of. Don’t let other people’s misconception of what is possible limit you. Trust in yourself. You are WORTHY of success.
Watch the VIDEO above if you are considering a portrait photoshoot. You are worth it. You are WORTHY.
I can’t wait to photograph you!