Love Love Love
Smart people don’t buy art they like… they buy art that they love. The things that move them.
And we think that applies to portraits too.

Collected not Decorated image via pinterest (leftover luxuries blog)
We’ve got 5 tips to create portraits that you are just in love with:
1- You’ve heard it before but it really is true: location, location, location. If your favorite place is at home, that is where you should do your photos. If you love to get out of the house, then go to a studio or get photos done at a cool location.
2- On a similar note, pick a time of day that suits you. Don’t do sunrise photos if you’re a night owl.

Rachel here was photographed in the evening and in the Fall – simple tip, beautiful results
3- Don’t get stressed about photos. This is a fun day. Enjoy the process. Invite a friend to the shoot with you. Have great plans right after the shoot. Get your nails done and/or a spray tan the day before. The point is… if you’re not happy, you’re not going to smile. Even if you think your smile is stupid (some of you are right, by the way) you’re going to want to look happy. At the very least content or smug in your photos. And just kidding. Your smile is not stupid.
4- If something is a big part of your life. Photograph it. Wear mom’s ring. Incorporate dad’s favorite book in the far corner of the room. Maybe you can’t bring grandma to the shoot with you but you can wear her favorite color. Maybe you can’t take photos in Paris, but you can have some french perfume on and have french music playing. Perfume and music won’t literally show up in your photos, but they will help create images you’ll love.

Hannah with literally a huge part of her life in the photo with her
5- It’s always a good time for pictures. Grab your camera (ok, your iPhone). It is not who takes the photo, or where you are. Its who you are with. The people and things you love. Display the photos that make you smile. It is not weird to have a photo on display in the kitchen (we love them on Hobby Lobby’s miny easels), or 10 photos on your desk, or an entire collage of photos as your screensaver on your computer.
The photos you love should be shared, displayed, mailed and emailed. They should be on your wall or in cute glass picture frame coasters.
The photos above are from my sweet friend Nancy and her family. Nancy is a mother and an author and an artist. She is so beautiful inside and out. She introduced me to Global Peace Factory Coffee recently and to other randomly cool things around Plano/Frisco. Absolutely love her! Her home is filled with great books, great art and beautiful, warm, loving people…fewer people now that one of them is at A&M. She’s an amazing example of someone who carefully curates the things in her home with good taste and a warm heart. Thanks for allowing us into your home!

Collect Moments not Things – via pinterest (again? yes, we love pinterest ok?)
The Comments
Nancy Rosenberg
Dorly, your work is amazing. I love the artistic angle of these photos, the lighting, angles, and the magic in how you captured perfect moments. This was such a bittersweet year, with Rachel leaving for college. You have captured a time I want to hold on to tightly, with such grace and warmth. Thank you, thank you!
Dorly Cue
> Nancy RosenbergThank you Nancy! Your girls are amazing. I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to send one off to college. I could tell in every single picture how proud you are of both of them. And let me tell you, in the car, on the way back from the barn, I could hear in their voice and in their comments how much that love and family pride is reciprocated! It was the best day.