Give Thanks!
November and everyone is like “30 days of thanks” on Facebook. Oh we could be all jaded and annoyed by it but instead we are hopping on the bandwagon. Only that we are doing the whole thing in one blogpost because we are not patient enough to do this one day at a time.
30 things we are thankful for here at Goldenlight Creative:
- Friends and Family to celebrate accomplishments with. Little things like “Hey our first instagram follower”!
- Kate Spade
- Local Bakeries like TART in Dallas and LAYERED in McKinney because they have mini -desserts so we feel less guilty
- Photoshop !!!
- Inspirational quotes on pinterest
- Pandora. You are awesome. Please don’t go away
- The Joule Hotel and the Zaza in Dallas. We have taken the most amazing photos there
- Super Mario Bros for Nintendo. The original.
- Those chicken cutlet things. Ladies if you feel me…
- The Rotary Club & The Junior League. These people do some work!
- Northpark Mall: Especially H&M, DryBar and Nordstrom.
- Starbucks, even more so when in red holiday cups
- Canon Mark II. You are awesome.
- Frank Sinatra, Paris, B&W films and all that romantic stuff
- Soy candles from Target. Ok, anything from Target
- Old family recipes. And by old family recipes we mean Eatzi’s
- Spanx. Thanks for all the support. Ha! Couldn’t resist.
- Movember!!!!! Also know as “No Shave November”. Which incidentally means an entirely different thing to womenfolk…
- Our very first clients who provided so much feedback and helped us develop our style. ย Who graciously helped us along the way when we were just wee little photographers, waddling like baby ducks towards a lake of success!
- Monogrammed shit. All of it. We love it.
- Makeup remover wipes, Baby wipes, and Clorox wipes. Not for photoshoots….just life
- Cheap little taco places and also food trucks. Yum
- Real Housewives of almost everything. Don’t judge. This is our list. Make your own list.
- iPads and iMacs and basically the entire Apple franchise
- Snowdays, rainy days, “tornado watch” and all the other things that send us home early once in a while
- Sushi
- Opera, specifically Carmina Burana and anything Verdi ever touched. and Handel’s Messiah.
- Makeup Forever HD powder, Stila’s liquid eyeliner pen, Smashbox primer
- Thank you cards. Especially handwritten ones. Sorry trees, but it really does mean more if it comes through the mail.
- Friends and Family. We already said it. But at the end of the day they’re all we have and all we want. And all we need. And all that matters.ย We wouldn’t be where we are without friends like you.
Thanks Beccy and Kaitlyn for letting us snap your mother/daughter photos. You exemplify a beautiful family. ย Your home is so full of memories and love and laughter. Favorite moment hands down was dainty, beautiful Kaitlyn pulling out that FIERCE bow for her solo photos! Thanks for having us and making us feel like family.