Best Friends
You know when you meet someone and you just click?
It’s not always like this for me, but once in a while I am lucky, I mean really lucky, and meet someone who I just adore.
This is my best friend, Robin Walker. She thinks she’s pretty cool because she’s a nurse (and I agree with her, by the way).
Robin and I don’t really take pictures together that often. Here’s why:
-We don’t live in the same city (about 2 hours apart, a little less if her husband is driving)
-When we do see each other we are typically laughing so much it’s hard to breathe, let alone focus a camera
-Neither of us is what I call “super model skinny”, so we occasionally (ok, often) just decide not to take the picture.
Here’s what I think about that:
Seriously. When I think of all the good times we’ve had that aren’t documented, it makes me feel just awful. What am I going to tell my kids when they ask about my best friends? What if something happened to either one of us? How am I supposed to properly blackmail her? Learn from my mistakes. Take the shameless selfies. I wish I had more.
I am not talking to you bikini-clad twenty year old, with the fierce six-pack (you take enough selfies, thank you)!
For everyone else who wishes they had just ONE amazing photo with their best friend, their mom, their sister, I offer you a little “extra love” in honor of my best friend:
Take time for your relationships.
-NO more putting it off till next time
-NO more waiting till you lose 5 pounds, or gain 5 pounds
-NO more worrying about your outfit , your hair, and your makeup
We are doing it ALL for you and you are walking away with a giftcard to Sephora on top of that. We are coming to you, styling the shoot, and getting you all dolled up. Do you really need another excuse for a Girl’s Day? I promise you a fun time. And, I also promise my camera & I will make you look [even more] fabulous than usual.
xoxo –
Creative Director/Photographer